Wednesday, February 25, 2009

It's a Girl!!

Well its official Devin and I are expecting a little girl in July. We had our ultrasound yesterday and confirmed what Devin already suspected. Don't feel too upset if you didn't even know we were pregnant because not many people did. We tried to get Carter to tell us what we were having for weeks but he didn't give away any hints. If we asked him if its a girl or boy he would say boy and if we asked if it was a boy or girl he would say girl. He just said whatever we said last. Then we got an idea and asked Carter what kind of baby we were having and he said GREEN. He was no help at all. We are we have to come up with a name which I'm afraid is NEVER an easy task for us. I will get a little picture of the ultrasound up as soon as I can.


peterson said...

Congrats!! I am so happy for you guys! I was shocked when Megan told me yesterday. I had no idea, but that is awesome! How have been feeling?

Liz said...

Congratulations! That is exciting.

Unknown said...

Congrats! We love our baby girl, get ready for pink!

Amber said...

Congratulations! That is so great!

Kristi Barnes said...

YEAH! Congratulations, little girls are so sweet especially with big brothers:) I'm really excited for you guys...i'm with you on names, it is always really hard for me too

Sarah said...

Yea! I am so excited that we are both going to be having babies this summer, and I can't believe we are both having girls. If you wanted to know the sex before the ultrasound I could've asked Ethan for you. As soon as we told him we were having a baby he always said it was a girl.

Jessica Madsen said...

Yeah! We love baby girls! Thanks for checkin' in on us! We will add you to our blog so we can stay in touch better. We are sure excited for you. Congratulations!

Tara Redd said...

Congrats. You can't even tell your prego!!! That's so exciting that it's a girl. NOw just hope they are right! That's what they told me first too!!!

Jennie said...

Very exciting news! I had no idea, but then living here in AZ, I experience that quite often! I hear the, "Oh didn't we tell you?!" very frequently! So congrats!!

Jayci said...

Congrats! That's so exciting!