Saturday, October 11, 2008

Not the best idea

We were in Scipio last weekend. It rained pretty much all weekend so it was quite muddy when we were packing up to leave. Carter was outside throwing rocks into this big mud puddle while Devin loaded our bags into the car and I got Carter some lunch. When I went outside to tell Carter that lunch was ready I saw that he had got on his bike. I could just see the wheels turning in his head as he looked at this mud puddle. All the sudden he starts driving through and just when he reached the middle of the puddle the front wheels on his bike get stuck in the mud and he goes right over the handle bars and face plants it in the mud. I was laughing so hard. Of course Carter was mad as can be, especially when I made him wait while Devin grabbed the camera. It was so funny....thank goodness we had a camera handy.


peterson said...

That is great! I'm glad my child isn't the only one that finds the mud wherever we are!

Unknown said...

That is so funny. Boys are water/dirt/mud magnets!!

JaKe and NaT* said...

oh my gosh.. it is a dang good thing you had the camera ready.. how freakin cute!!