Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Carter makes us laugh

So last night Carter was being a little stinker. He wouldn't do anything we asked him too. We were trying to get him to eat his dinner and of course he was to busy playing around to worry about dinner so Devin made it a game. He would tell Carter if he doesn't come and take a bite he was going to eat it. Carter thought it was so much fun to race Devin and of course Carter always won. Anyway the rest of the night was a race to beat daddy. The best is when Devin said he had to go to the bathroom and Carter jumped up and ran in the bathroom. Carter tried to take off his pants and sit on the toilet before Devin could get there but he was laughing at himself so hard that he gave up and just sat on the toilet with his pants on. It was so funny. Granted Carter didn't do too much to hinder Devin since we have two bathrooms but it was funny all the same. Of course Carter thought he was just so sneaky. The best part of this story is that when I was growing up we only had one bathroom and every time my sister would tell me she had to go I would race her to the bathroom and sit on the toilet so she would have to wait. So Carter is a little like me after all.

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