Monday, April 21, 2008

60 Random Things

  1. I hate when anyone touches my hands or feet.
  2. I have never broken a bone
  3. I have been married almost 4 years
  4. When I was young I stepped on a nail on purpose...I thought it would never go through my high tops...bright I know.
  5. I love to read
  6. Gloomy, rainy days are my favorite. It relaxes me and makes me want to snuggle up with a blanket in a chair and read.
  7. I love to listen to classical reminds me of my grandparents.
  8. The toilet paper must roll off the top. If I am at someones house and it rolls off the bottom I usually fix it......well if I know the person.
  9. I dye my hair dark because I look more like my mom that way... and of course I like the color.
  10. I have 3 brothers and 1 one sister and we all get along great.
  11. I consider my family some of my best friends.
  12. I hate when someone wears a black belt with brown shoes or visa versa. I just don't like the combination.
  13. I love my in-laws.
  14. Sometimes I let my little boy destroy my house because its fun to watch him play...even though I have to clean it up later.
  15. I love to go visit my grandparents whenever I am home.
  16. I am not good at any sport but I love to play, especially softball.
  17. I don't tan, I burn and peel and am white with it.
  18. I love to sit back and listen to other people talking.
  19. I don't like to be the center of attention.
  20. I hate to talk in petrifies me to stand and speak in front of people. I just about cry anytime we have too.
  21. I would love to see a whale up close.... ok not too close they are huge you know.
  22. I love being a stay at home mother, even though it can be exhausting.
  23. I have a geo prism that I have had since I was a senior in High School. I named her Ellie and it makes me sad whenever my husband brings up the idea of selling her.
  24. I love dogs but I don't like to be licked by them.
  25. I eat really slow. Most people are done with desert before I finish my meal.
  26. I have had waitresses/waiters try to take my food from me before I am finished and have to tell them I am not done yet.
  27. When I just got my license I let my 14 year old sister drive the family van. She wrecked into a huge ditch and I told my parents I did it. We just told them the truth not too long ago.
  28. We only had one bathroom in my home when I was little, everytime my sister would need to go I would race to the bathroom and just sit on the toilet for awhile, I was not very nice sometimes.
  29. I would love to live in a small town forever.
  30. My sister has always been my best friend.
  31. My sister and I answer to each others names and would never correct someone if they used the wrong name.
  32. I can't wait for my husband to graduate.
  33. I hate to be by myself.
  34. I about failed my Freshman year of High School because I didn't want to do the work.
  35. I don't like to cook.
  36. I broke my sister's easy bake oven when we were kids and didn't tell her. When she finally realized it was broken I blamed her.
  37. I love a clean house
  38. Eating out is a weakness of mine. I would do it all the time if I had the money.
  39. I hate to be cold or hot...I am a moderate weather person.
  40. I love to sing along to the radio... I am sure people laugh at me while they drive down the road.
  41. When I put my hair in pig tails I still look like I am 12.
  42. When I got into really big trouble my parents would make me clean the garage.
  43. I don't know why but I remember peoples birthdays pretty well, even those people I hardly ever see.
  44. We had a laundry shoot growing up and I used it as a slide often.
  45. sdn vb v vv vvvcc c ccc ccc ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccxxxxxxx- That was my sons contribution.
  46. I like to go to the Dentist. I usually don't have cavities so a cleaning is nice.
  47. I was a cheerleader for 4 years.
  48. I used to grind my teeth when I was little in my sleep.
  49. My favorite color is Red
  50. My favorite food is pizza even though I worked at a pizza place for 5 years.
  51. I am very claustrophobic.
  52. I hated elevators when I was younger I always was afraid they would get stuck and I wouldn't be able to get out...even now I don't ride them unless I have too.
  53. I am going to New York to see "Wicked" with my 2 sister-in-laws and mother-in-law, I am really excited.
  54. I love candy and sweets.....if it has sugar I'm in.
  55. I was in the construction club at Snow College just because my friends dad was the advisor not because I actually know how to build anything.
  56. I took piano lessons growing up for 8 years and I still can't play...not because my teacher wasn't wonderful but because I was stubborn and didn't practice.
  57. I love to shop for jeans.
  58. My hands are weird they don't close to make a fist and they never have.
  59. I have a hard time going to sleep if the dishes are not done.
  60. My little boy just turned 16 months....I can't believe that, it just flew by.

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